Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Best Capsim Guide With Helpful Capsim Tips Per Round - Capsim Capstone 2022 – NEW Winning Guides and Tips To WIN ALL 8 ROUNDS

Capsim Capstone  2022 – Top 10 Winning Guides and Tips 

Update FOR CAPSIM 2022 AND CAPSIM 2023

Free Online Support – New Updates with step by step and  round by round guides

Guide to Capsim CAPSTONE

This is step by step guide to help you avoid the kind of mistakes that makes you lose when you start Capsim and also tips to get you win the game. 

Good Luck and Success!

You should do before start the Capsim

1 - Log in and read Industry Condition Report (Top menu, report tab, last row)

2 - Read Courier Report of last round (to get Market overview, Pricing, Production and Competitors analysis)

3 - Prepare an Excel file to calculate R&D, Sales Forecast and Production for each round.

You can download free Excel file here - LINK TO ALL EXCEL FILES

or Download Capsim Capstone Excel file here - LINK 2

Or email to: to get Free support for creating excel file.

Free Personal Support for Rounds 1-2


TIP 01 – R&D 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8: 
In order to apply this Round to Round strategy for R&D, we need to create an excel file with your own data from Industry Condition Report and put data in Excel file to get more precise numbers.
Step 1. Download Industry Condition Report (from your game)
Step 2. Download Excel file for automatic calculation strategies and decisions
Free support for Round 1 and 2, email:
Free Excel file for Capsim 2019 Calculation for R&D, Marketing and Production – Download

Step 3. Very important
Open page 2 of Industry Condition Report and get the Table 2, first line for Round 0  and put that numbers in Round 0 in Excel file, then the file will automatically calculate all decisions for 8 rounds, with 4 different STRATEGIES.
DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT numbers in excel file, that is a little bit different from YOUR GAME (creator and administrator change the numbers when new industry is created for new class).
–> Get Round 0 number from Industry Condition Report
–> Put into Excel file, Round 0 (only 1 row) –> Then the file will automatically calculate all the decisions
(Check Drift and Ideal Offsets – 2 last rows of table 1 –  they often do not change for all game)
We can download and use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
If you have come to this Step. We are started the half way to win the Simulation Game Simulation !!
Again, this Round to Round guides can apply if we start from Round 1.  DO NOT use this suggestions if you are already in the middle of the game, having completion several rounds without this guides. If so, your company may not have enough upgrades and automation to follow this suggested strategy, you can refer to other TIP to Rescue Company or Mid Game Tips.
Now, if you are in Round 1, we can apply this Round to Round Strategy and Win the game.
The numbers are from my game, you need to use your Excel file, numbers will be a little different. If you can not create your file, email: – I can create a file for you for FREE.
We use the following strategy for the guides and winning TIP in Round to Round Strategy.
R&D: Research and Development
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Low End sensor PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 MTBF 12.000 – this is Low End sweet spot  Year 4
  2. Change original Low End sensor MTBF to 12.000 (don’t re-position original Low End)
  3. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.1 SIZE 14.3 MTBF 14.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 9.2 SIZE 11.2 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 9.8 SIZE 16.0 MTBF 27.000 (max)
  6. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 4.4 SIZE 10.6 MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Traditional sensor PFMN 8.2 – SIZE 12.2 MTBF 14.000 – this is sweet spot for Traditional Year 4
  2. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.8 SIZE 13.6 – Keep 14.000 (min)
  3. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 10.1 SIZE 10.3 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 10.8 SIZE 15.3 – Keep MTBF 27.000 (max)
  5. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 5.1 SIZE 9.6 MTBF – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new High End sensor eg. PFMN 11.9 – SIZE 8.5 – this is High End sweet spot Year 4
  2. (Optional) Create a new Size or Performance instead of High End (with round 4 sweet spot specifications)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensor ONLY if you plan to continue them (with round 3 sweet spots specification – see above table).
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Low End sensor to PFMN 4.1 SIZE 16.3 – Keep MTFB 12.0000 (this takes more than a year to complete)
  6. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 7.5 SIZE 12.9 – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
So, for 3 first Rounds, we create new Low End, Traditional and High End each Round.
We can also stop Performance and Size (we will do that by lower Promo and Sales budget to 0 in Marketing and Production).
  1. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 8.2 SIZE 12.2 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.9 SIZE 8.5 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 4 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 8.9 SIZE 11.5 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 12.8 SIZE 7.6 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 5 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 9.6 SIZE 10.8 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 13.7 SIZE 6.7 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 6 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 10.3 SIZE 10.1 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 14.6 SIZE 5.8 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 7 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 11.5 SIZE 4.9 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 8 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
TIPS: Lower MTBF to the minimum of the range (except Performance segment only)
From Round 1 to Round 8, for all the rounds, when we do R&D, we should lower MTBF to the minimum of the range in order to save cost and increase contribution margins.
The is the key Profit Driving tool since Reliability only accounts for small percentages of the Customer Buying Criteria (see all the 5 segments to see details, in Capstone Courier Report every year, page 5-9).
Note: If we want safe strategies, keep MTBF as average.
Except only Performance segment, we keep that max MTBF at 27.000, for all the other 4 segments, we select minimum MTBF eg. Traditional to 14.000, Low End to 12.000, High End to 20.000 and Size to 16.000
We set MTBF for Performance to max 27.000 because buying criteria for this segment is 43%. See following figure.
Again, the numbers for each Industry is changed when game created for different class or group, so we need to check the number from Industry Report and Capstone Courier every round (year).
If we want to compete is 3-4 segments (not all 5), the two most potential and profitable are Low End and Tradition.
They are most potential lucrative.
We need to read reports for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 and then in Round 3 and 4 we will select to leave 1 or 2 least competitive which have least profit.
Creating 1 new segment, eg. Low End is good (often in Round 1)
Creating 2 new segments, eg. Low End and Traditional will provide more Profits in later Round, eg. 5-6-7 and 8. (Often we create New Traditional in Round 2)
In Round 3, we can create new High End segment (more profitable). However, if we see strong competition in High End, we should create new segment in SIZE (better than Performance – high cost).
TIPS: Re-position Low End sensor for only ONE time in Year 3
The original Low End sensor should only be re-positioned once for the entire game, not to the Ideal Spot.
The Traditional segment sweet spot is the same with Ideal, Drift spots because Ideal Offsets is 0-0 for this segment.
The High End, Performance, and Size segments have sweet spots half way from Drift to Ideal Sport. We can use excel file to calculate (download at the end of this article).
Note: If Sweet spot with half way cost too much and too long time to R&D, we can select strategy 4 with 1/3 way from Drift to Ideal spots.
We upgrade original Low End only one time for the entire game, upgrade in Year 3 with specification of Year 4 Sweet Spot (PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 or PFMN 4.9 – SIZE 15.5) – The new Low End segment will be created in Year 1 with Sweet Spot specification of Year 4.
Note that all figures to input in your game is different from this articles, you should get number from Industry report, put 1 line in Excel file and get your own game figures. Just input in only Round 0 – Strategy 1 –> Then all tables will be updated.
See the table bellow for details.
Note: if any products which do not require Age as 0-1 year, we do not have to update every year, we can update to Pfmn and Size of 2-3 years later. Then the products can meet requirement better and sell better.
So, when we start Simulation Game 2017, we can have 4 options or 4 different strategies.
Option 1. Follow Drift suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
The segment circle drift rates is the 2nd bottom line (Note to get data from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
The segment Ideal Spot Offset is the bottom line (Note to get from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
If we follow this strategy, our products are up to date but not very competitive, because most of competitors try to upgrade toward Ideal Sport which is much better specifications.
Option 2. Follow Drift plus Ideal Spot Offsets suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others)
This strategy is the Highest upgrade specification, therefore, it often cost too much and takes too long time for R&D.
Also, this specification is too good, (ideal), so, we often out of stock, we can not produce enough to sell to market.
Then, we get less Profit.
If should not follow strategy 2, it is too much advance in R&D and it cost too much time and money.
OPTION 3. Half way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification.
OPTION 4. One third way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification
We often start with Strategy 4 or 3 above. It is the best way to get Profit and also Competitiveness at the same time.

NOTE: R&D Specifications and Revision Date

Make sure that  R&D projects complete in the same year, before 31st December same year, or we can not sell new products in the year.
If we can not upgrade products as our plan, we can try as close as possible, it is important that new products are launched in the year, from June to July. Some may say, 26th June for example.
There are 2 exceptions to this rule:
1. Creating a new Product can take longer than a year
2. Upgrading Original Low End sensor for only 1 time in Round 3 will take longer than 1 year.
Note that, as long as new products are not ready, old versions are still being sold  with old specifications.
If new product is ready in November 30, we have only 1 month to sell them, so we will not get much profits from this new R&D.
We need to create a base for our strategy, we can use excel file like this – LINK TO FILE 
NOTE: Numbers for the first line is taken from Industry Condition Report. Each Industry has DIFFERENT starting numbers, so, we need to input these Specification in the excel file to create our own STRATEGIES.
We need to download Industry Condition Report from our own game to create plan for all rounds ahead.
Note to put Specification of your own Industry in to this line in excel files. We need to put that in one line only, other lines will be automatically calculated for all 8 rounds to Drift spots, Ideal spots and all 50% to sweet spots.
Check all the figures carefully to make sure we are setting plan with correct numbers from Industry Report. Also, we check with report after each round to adjust Pfmn and Size for each product after each round.
We can set 1 or 2 or 3 different strategies.
Strategy 1. Increase specifications with Drift Rates
Strategy 2. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and Ideal Offsets.
Strategy 3. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and 1/3 Ideal Offsets (+30%)
Strategy 4. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and 1/2 Ideal Offsets (+50%)
We can also follow different strategies to win the game, with high Net Profit, high Market share, and other Financial factors including ROE, ROA.
TIP. Add or change specification each round depending on Time to launch, should be in June and July same year so we have enough time to sell new products.
TIP. This tip is quite sophisticated, if we find a product with 2-3-4 years of age, we do not have to upgrade every round, so we can upgrade 1 time for a few years ahead, eg. Low End product, we can upgrade 1-2 times only.

TIP 02 – MARKETING – 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Apply  $2.000 for promotion and sales budgets for Traditional and Low End, because above this level, diminishing returns are experienced.

Apply $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size segments.
Keep this spending from Round 1 to Round 3, until we can decide which segments we will continue. Then, we increase all segments to $2.000 to compete.
For segments, we do not want to continue, for example Performance or Size, we reduce budgets for that segment to only $0.
Eg. PRICE $35
Promo Budget: 1.500
Sales Budget: 1.500
Forecast: 1.580
This is for basic Marketing decisions.
For Promotion, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% awareness. Then we can cut it back to $ 1.400 per round.
For Sales, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% accessibility. Then we can scale back to $ 1.650 for each sensors.
We can increase much higher, or even max, to see how much awareness and accessibility we can get, just click CALCULATION button to see how much we get for that year. Then we can increase or decrease spending to get 100%.
Budget for sales, accessibility for multiple sensors in a segment, they are combine together.
See figures in followings:
We can adjust the percentage to focus on products we want to promote more than the others.
Each round we can lower all prices down at least $ 0.50 from maximum price of the segment to keep up with customer expectation (lower each year)
We can create in excel file a table for Prices to keep track of lowering prices every year – LINK
We need to check from Capstone Courier Prices (from page 5 to page 9) to see max prices for each segment, in the top product at the end of each page
If competitors are cutting prices in Traditional and Low End segments, we need to lower prices to close to their levels.
However, when competitors lower their prices too much, they will not have enough capacity to sell, also they suffer stock out.
We can still keep prices higher and get market shares at higher profit level. This is why we need to calculate demands and plan production as precisely as we can.
We DO NOT have to compete with prices in High End, Size and Performance, because buying criteria is low, only 9 – 19%
Do not trust computer suggestions, they always wrong.
We have a formula to calculate and forecast sales for next round
1. Get Market shares from Page 10 of Courier Report
2. Get Total Sales also from Page 10
3. Get Market potential growth for each segment from page 5 to 9
Sales forecast = Potential market share % x Segment size x (1 + Segment Growth Rate).
Page 10 gives us Potential Market share, we use this (do not use actual market share)
If we think we can sell more, we can just adjust the percentage.
We can use Excel file to calculate more conveniently. Use 8 sheets for 8 round, just copy and paste number from Courier Report Page 10, Page 4 and select market growth rate from page 5-9 into each sheet. We can get Sales Forecast and also Production.
Download the Excel file from here – LINK
If you need help, we can create a file for you for FREE – email:
See figure
NOTE: Use potential market share (RIGHT Column) to calculate and forecast sales.
You can copy and paste into excel file, then it can calculate automatically Sales and Productions. You can adjust the percentage if we think we can sell more or less.
We can add 500 products for newly added products, they often sell well because of high Pfmn and smaller size than expected. And, increasing capacity every round for new products. We need to add capacity and automation to new product right from the year of R&D so that we can have new capacity to produce as soon as the R&D in completed.

TIP 3 – Re-position Low End sensor for only ONE time in Year 3

The original Low End sensor should only be re-positioned once for the entire game, not to the Ideal Spot.
The Traditional segment sweet spot is the same with Ideal, Drift spots because Ideal Offsets is 0-0 for this segment.
The High End, Performance, and Size segments have sweet spots half way from Drift to Ideal Sport. We can use excel file to calculate (download at the end of this article).
Note: If Sweet spot with half way cost too much and too long time to R&D, we can select strategy 4 with 1/3 way from Drift to Ideal spots.
We upgrade original Low End only one time for the entire game, upgrade in Year 3 with specification of Year 4 Sweet Spot (PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 or PFMN 4.9 – SIZE 15.5) – The new Low End segment will be created in Year 1 with Sweet Spot specification of Year 4.
Note that all figures to input in your game is different from this articles, you should get number from Industry report, put 1 line in Excel file and get your own game figures. Just input in only Round 0 – Strategy 1 –> Then all tables will be updated.
See the table bellow for details.

TIP 4 – Lower MTBF to the minimum of the range (except Performance segment only)

From Round 1 to Round 8, for all the rounds, when we do R&D, we should lower MTBF to the minimum of the range in order to save cost and increase contribution margins.
The is the key Profit Driving tool since Reliability only accounts for small percentages of the Customer Buying Criteria (see all the 5 segments to see details, in simulation Courier Report every year, page 5-9).
Except only Performance segment, we keep that max MTBF at 27.000, for all the other 4 segments, we select minimum MTBF eg. Traditional to 14.000, Low End to 12.000, High End to 20.000 and Size to 16.000
We set MTBF for Performance to max 27.000 because buying criteria for this segment is 43%. See following figure.
Again, the numbers for each Industry is changed when game created for different class or group, so we need to check the number from Industry Report and simulation Courier every round (year).
If we want to compete is 3-4 segments (not all 5), the two most potential and profitable are Low End and Tradition.
They are most potential lucrative.
We need to read reports for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 and then in Round 3 and 4 we will select to leave 1 or 2 least competitive which have least profit.
Creating 1 new segment, eg. Low End is good (often in Round 1)
Creating 2 new segments, eg. Low End and Traditional will provide more Profits in later Round, eg. 5-6-7 and 8. (Often we create New Traditional in Round 2)
In Round 3, we can create new High End segment (more profitable). However, if we see strong competition in High End, we should create new segment in SIZE (better than Performance – high cost).
So, when we start simulation 2017, we can have 4 options or 4 different strategies.
Option 1. Follow Drift suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
The segment circle drift rates is the 2nd bottom line (Note to get data from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
The segment Ideal Spot Offset is the bottom line (Note to get from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
If we follow this strategy, our products are up to date but not very competitive, because most of competitors try to upgrade toward Ideal Sport which is much better specifications.
Option 2. Follow Drift plus Ideal Spot Offsets suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others)
This strategy is the Highest upgrade specification, therefore, it often cost too much and takes too long time for R&D.
Also, this specification is too good, (ideal), so, we often out of stock, we can not produce enough to sell to market.
Then, we get less Profit.
If should not follow strategy 2, it is too much advance in R&D and it cost too much time and money.
OPTION 3. Half way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification.
OPTION 4. One third way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification
We often start with Strategy 4 or 3 above. It is the best way to get Profit and also Competitiveness at the same time.

TIP 5 – R&D 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

In order to apply this Round to Round strategy for R&D, we need to create an excel file with your own data from Industry Condition Report and put data in Excel file to get more precise numbers.
Step 1. Download Industry Condition Report (from your game)
Step 2. Download Excel file for automatic calculation strategies and decisions
Back up link – LINK
Step 3. Very important
Open page 2 of Industry Condition Report and get the Table 2, first line for Round 0  and put that numbers in Round 0 in Excel file, then the file will automatically calculate all decisions for 8 rounds, with 4 different STRATEGIES.
DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT numbers in excel file, that is a little bit different from YOUR GAME (creator and administrator change the numbers when new industry is created for new class).
–> Get Round 0 number from Industry Condition Report
–> Put into Excel file, Round 0 (only 1 row) –> Then the file will automatically calculate all the decisions
(Check Drift and Ideal Offsets – 2 last rows of table 1 –  they often do not change for all game)
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
If you have come to this Step. We are half way win the simulation Simulation !!
Again, this Round to Round guides can apply if we start from Round 1.  DO NOT use this suggestions if you are already in the middle of the game, having completion several rounds without this guides. If so, your company may not have enough upgrades and automation to follow this suggested strategy, you can refer to other TIP to Rescue Company or Mid Game Tips.
Now, if you are in Round 1, we can apply this Round to Round Strategy and Win the game.
The numbers are from my game, you need to use your Excel file, numbers will be a little different. If you can not create your file, email: – I can create a file for you for FREE.
We use the following strategy for the guides and winning TIP in Round to Round Strategy.
R&D: Research and Development
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Low End sensor PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 MTBF 12.000 – this is Low End sweet spot  Year 4
  2. Change original Low End sensor MTBF to 12.000 (don’t re-position original Low End)
  3. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.1 SIZE 14.3 MTBF 14.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 9.2 SIZE 11.2 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 9.8 SIZE 16.0 MTBF 27.000 (max)
  6. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 4.4 SIZE 10.6 MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Traditional sensor PFMN 8.2 – SIZE 12.2 MTBF 14.000 – this is sweet spot for Traditional Year 4
  2. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.8 SIZE 13.6 – Keep 14.000 (min)
  3. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 10.1 SIZE 10.3 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 10.8 SIZE 15.3 – Keep MTBF 27.000 (max)
  5. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 5.1 SIZE 9.6 MTBF – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new High End sensor eg. PFMN 11.9 – SIZE 8.5 – this is High End sweet spot Year 4
  2. (Optional) Create a new Size or Performance instead of High End (with round 4 sweet spot specifications)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensor ONLY if you plan to continue them (with round 3 sweet spots specification – see above table).
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Low End sensor to PFMN 4.1 SIZE 16.3 – Keep MTFB 12.0000 (this takes more than a year to complete)
  6. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 7.5 SIZE 12.9 – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
So, for 3 first Rounds, we create new Low End, Traditional and High End each Round.
We can also stop Performance and Size (we will do that by lower Promo and Sales budget to 0 in Marketing and Production).
  1. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 8.2 SIZE 12.2 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.9 SIZE 8.5 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 4 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 8.9 SIZE 11.5 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 12.8 SIZE 7.6 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 5 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 9.6 SIZE 10.8 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 13.7 SIZE 6.7 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 6 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 10.3 SIZE 10.1 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 14.6 SIZE 5.8 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 7 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 11.5 SIZE 4.9 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 8 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.

TIP 6 – MARKETING – 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Apply  $2.000 for promotion and sales budgets for Traditional and Low End, because above this level, diminishing returns are experienced.
Apply $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size segments.
Keep this spending from Round 1 to Round 3, until we can decide which segments we will continue. Then, we increase all segments to $2.000 to compete.
For segments, we do not want to continue, for example Performance or Size, we reduce budgets for that segment to only $0.
For Promotion, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% awareness. Then we can cut it back to $ 1.400 per round.
For Sales, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% accessibility. Then we can scale back to $ 1.650 for each sensors.
We can increase much higher, or even max, to see how much awareness and accessibility we can get, just click CALCULATION button to see how much we get for that year. Then we can increase or decrease spending to get 100%.
Budget for sales, accessibility for multiple sensors in a segment, they are combine together.
See figures in followings:
Each round we can lower all prices down at least $ 0.50 from maximum price of the segment to keep up with customer expectation (lower each year)
We can create in excel file a table for Prices to keep track of lowering prices every year – LINK
We need to check from simulation Courier Prices (from page 5 to page 9) to see max prices for each segment, in the top product at the end of each page
If competitors are cutting prices in Traditional and Low End segments, we need to lower prices to close to their levels.
However, when competitors lower their prices too much, they will not have enough capacity to sell, also they suffer stock out.
We can still keep prices higher and get market shares at higher profit level. This is why we need to calculate demands and plan production as precisely as we can.
We DO NOT have to compete with prices in High End, Size and Performance, because buying criteria is low, only 9 – 19%
Do not trust computer suggestions, they always wrong.
We have a formula to calculate and forecast sales for next round
1. Get Market shares from Page 10 of Courier Report
2. Get Total Sales also from Page 10
3. Get Market potential growth for each segment from page 5 to 9
Sales forecast = Potential market share % x Segment size x (1 + Segment Growth Rate).
Page 10 gives us Potential Market share, we use this (do not use actual market share)
If we think we can sell more, we can just adjust the percentage.
We can use Excel file to calculate more conveniently. Use 8 sheets for 8 round, just copy and paste number from Courier Report Page 10, Page 4 and select market growth rate from page 5-9 into each sheet. We can get Sales Forecast and also Production.
Download the Excel file from here – LINK
If you need help, we can create a file for you for FREE – email:
See figur
NOTE: Use potential market share (RIGHT Column) to calculate and forecast sales.
You can copy and paste into excel file, then it can calculate automatically Sales and Productions. You can adjust the percentage if we think we can sell more or less.

TIP 7 – MARKETING – 8 Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

MARKETING – Round by Round Decisions

Round 1 – Marketing

  1. Leave A/R lag (Account Receivable) at 30 days, this will be increased later rounds to get higher demands when we have more profits and more cash available.
  2. Leave A/P lag (Account Payable) at 30 days. This is always stay at 30 days for all 8 rounds
  3. Set Promotion and Sales budgets both for $2.000 for Traditional and Low End sensors
  4. Set Promotion and Sales budgets all for $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size
  5. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  6. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new Low End sensor in R&D)

Round 2 – Marketing

  1. Expect the new Low End sensor to sell about 0.2 x original Low End sensor market share
  2. Leave A/P lag (Account Payable) at 30 days. This is always stay at 30 days for all 8 rounds
  3. Set Promotion and Sales budgets both for $2.000 for Traditional and Low End sensors
  4. Set Promotion and Sales budgets all for $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size
  5. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  6. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new Traditional sensor in R&D)

Round 3 – Marketing

  1. If we decide to exit a segment, such as Size or Performance, keep the Promotion and Sales budgets at $0.
  2. What ever segments we decide to stay, increase Promotion and Sales to $2.000
  3. Expect new Traditional sensor to sell about 0.3 x original Traditional sensor market share.
  4. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  5. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new High End sensor in R&D)

Round 4 – Marketing

  1. Increase A/R Lag (Account Receivable) to 46 days, this helps to increase demands
  2. Once 100% awareness is reached for a sensor, in any round, we can scale back to $1.400 but need to check if can that budget maintain 100% awareness.
  3. Expect new High End sensor to sell about 0.75 x original High End sensor market share.
  4. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  5. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we exit segments because we have reduced Promo and Sales budgets to $0 also we have reduce Production capacity to only 1)

Round 5 – Marketing

  1. Increase A/R Lag (Account Receivable) to 61 days, this helps to increase demands
  2. Note to add new market shares for new developed products, check in page 10 simulation Courier.
  3. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  4. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 

Round 6 to 8 – Marketing

  1. Note to add new market shares for new developed products, check in page 10 simulation Courier.
  2. Once 100% accessibility is reached for a segment (in any round) we can scale back the Sales budget t $1.650 for each segment to maintain 100% accessibility. Note to adjust and then check the graphs at the end of the market table.
  3. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  4. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 


TIP 8 – PRODUCTION – 8 Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Note to check Workforce needed and Workforce complement, if the box is editable, make sure to match the needed with This Year to save money. Otherwise we waste money.
We will increase automation every round.
Traditional to 8.0 (4.0 – 5.0 – 6. 0 – 7.0 – 8.0)
Low End to 10.0 (5.0 – 6.7 – 8.4 – 10)
High End to 5.0
Performance to 6.0
Size to 6.0
Production amounts should always be 112% of Sales Forecast.
This allow some extra inventory to take advantage of competitors suffer from stock out. This often happens.
When we calculate production, we need to take in to account inventory from previous round.
We can use excel file to calculate PRODUCTION more conveniently – LINK
If we see that year we have Stock out, we can increase production more than 112% to 120% or even 125%. If we see some inventory, we can reduce for that segment back to 112%.
Our goal is to keep our plant production at 150% (full first shift and 50% second shift).
This allows more flexibility to deal with short term market changes.
Remember that added capacity isn’t available until next round. So if we add capacity in round 2, it will be available in round 3.
If we see any factory with more than 150% capacity, we can add more capacity to that, just simply multiple the excess over 150% with total capacity. For example 180% of 2.000 factory, we will add 30% surplus = 30% x 2.000 = 600
We do not sell factories, even we are not using 100% at the current round.
We only reduce the segments we want to exit to 1. By doing so, we can still sell the rest of inventories in that segment at full price, not 50% price.

TIP 9 – PRODUCTION – 8 Round by Round Strategy

If we can not complete all suggestion, try to come as close as possible.
Try to use all the budget available in the first 3 rounds and more if possible
The KEY to win simulation is to control Automation as early as possible. The more automation is better.
Round 1 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 5.0 to 6.7 automation
  2. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  3. Create 500 capacity with automation 5.0 for the new Low End sensor
  4. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 2 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 6.7 to 8.4 automation
  2. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 5.0 to 6.0 automation
  3. Create 500 capacity with automation 5.0 for the new Traditional sensor
  4. Upgrade new Low End sensor from 5.0 to right 8.4 automation.
  5. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 3 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 8.4 to 10.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new Low End sensor from 8.4 to 10.0 automation.
  3. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 6.0 to 7.0 automation
  4. Upgrade new Traditional sensor from 5.0 right to 7.0 automation
  5. Create 400 capacity with automation 3.0 for the new High End sensor
  6. Add extra capacity for new Low End sensor
  7. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 4 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 7.0 to 8.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new Traditional sensor from 7.0 to 8.0 automation
  3. (Optional) Reduce Capacity for segments that are being exited, such as Performance and Size
  4. Upgrade original High End sensor from 3.0 to 4.0 automation
  5. Upgrade new High End sensor from 3.0 to 4.0 automation
  6. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.

Round 5 – Production
  1. Upgrade original High End sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new High End sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  3. (Optional) Reduce Capacity for segments that are being exited, such as Performance and Size
  4. Add extra capacity for new High End sensor
  5. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 6 and 7 – Production
  1. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
Round 8 – Production
  1. Last round of the game, do not add any capacity or automation !!
It is important to invest in HR because productivity is measured in the Balanced Score Card and also this investment will reduce labor costs.
Usually HR has a few options available are Recruiting Spending, Training Hours
Aim for the maximum of $5.000 recruitment spending and 80 hours training every round.
If you have limited funds, try $2.000 and 40 hours training.
If the Labor negotiations are available, we can use half way, win – win strategy, between demanded and current contract.
when input number here, double check to make sure correct numbers and avoid labor strikes.
We often use half way for negotiations, average of current contract and labor demands.
In TQM focus on setting $1.500 to $2.000 per round for each item, select the most useful initiatives first. Continue this for three round and then stop spending money into that initiatives, because it will no longer make any significant changes. We can see this from graphs at the end of screen.
$5.000 is the maximum budget for each initiative for the whole game.
Optimal way to add money is $2.000 – $2.000 and $1.000 or $1.500 – $1.500 and $1.000 depends on maximum allowed for each round.
Priority order for TQM initiative benefits:
  1. Reduce material costs
  2. Reduce labor costs
  3. Reduce R&D costs
  4. Increase demands
  5. Reduce SG&A expense
There are generally the best initiatives to put money in first:
  1. CCE/6 Sigma Training
  2. GEMI TQEM Sustainability
  3. CPI Systems
  4. Vendor /JIT
  5. QIT
  6. QFDE
We can apply try with different initiatives to see which one will bring more effects or most effective. Then in later rounds, we spend money in less effective initiatives when we have more extra money.
We can see the suggestions in the following tables.


Finance should always be the last decision we make after all the other section decisions have been made.

How we make decisions in Finance depends on How the game will be graded.
Most groups are graded on the Balanced Scorecard.
Some groups are graded on Profit or Stock Price.
We can keep at least $16.000 (000) cash for a round to avoid emergency loans.
We can keep more cash, it is always better than lack of cash.
We need to keep right amount of cash to get MAX  Days of Working Capital (not too much, not too little).
When we have much Cash and Net Profit, we need to pay off dividends and retire stocks to increase Leverage and also get max points for Days of Working Capital.
We need to create a base for our strategy, we can use excel file like this – LINK TO FILE 
NOTE: Numbers for the first line is taken from Industry Condition Report. Each Industry has DIFFERENT starting numbers, so, we need to download Industry Condition Report and input these Specification in the excel file to create our own STRATEGIES (page 2 of 8 from report). Only for Round 0 of STRATEGY 1 – then other cells will be automatically updated.
Note to put Specification of your own Industry in to this line in excel files.
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Online Real time Personal Guides and Tutorials.
Direct guides through all the decisions from Round 1 to Round 8
Your team will understand and lead the Game with more controlling
Your team can lead the game with more fun and learn a lot with leading position (often 1st or 2nd)


Download Strategic Management – Top 3 E-books 2016 –link (Free download)
Download Strategic Management – Presentation PPT –link(Free download)
Download Strategic Management – Case study Guides. (Free download)
1. Ebook Strategic Management – Top 3 text book – link
2. Strategic Management – Test banks  – link
3. Strategic Management – Case Study Guides  – link
4. Ebooks – SUN TZU Art of Wars  – link
5. SUN TZU – Art of War – Slides  – link
Special: Online Guides and Decision Check for 2 years for Free
Winning Guides and Tips
Free Online Guides and Decision Check for 2 rounds (Free)
Free Personal Guides for 2 rounds and decisions reviews and checks
Contact 24/7: MBAHELP2002@GMAIL.COM
Free support for Round 1 and 2, email:
Free Excel file for Capsim 2019 Calculation for R&D, Marketing and Production – Download

NOTE: Check the Round 0 data carefully to make sure they fit with the estimation and calculation excel files
FREE Personal Online Support, email:MBAHELP2002@GMAIL.COM

CapStone 2018 – Free Winning Guide and Tips (update 2019)

Capsim Capstone 2018 – Winning Guides and Tips

Free support for Round 1 and 2, email:
Free Excel file for Capsim 2019 Calculation for R&D, Marketing and Production – Download

Free Online Support – New Updates with step by step and  round by round guides

TIP 01 – R&D 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8: 
In order to apply this Round to Round strategy for R&D, we need to create an excel file with your own data from Industry Condition Report and put data in Excel file to get more precise numbers.
Step 1. Download Industry Condition Report (from your game)
Step 2. Download Excel file for automatic calculation strategies and decisions
Back up link – LINK
Step 3. Very important
Open page 2 of Industry Condition Report and get the Table 2, first line for Round 0  and put that numbers in Round 0 in Excel file, then the file will automatically calculate all decisions for 8 rounds, with 4 different STRATEGIES.
DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT numbers in excel file, that is a little bit different from YOUR GAME (creator and administrator change the numbers when new industry is created for new class).
–> Get Round 0 number from Industry Condition Report
–> Put into Excel file, Round 0 (only 1 row) –> Then the file will automatically calculate all the decisions
(Check Drift and Ideal Offsets – 2 last rows of table 1 –  they often do not change for all game)
We can download and use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
If you have come to this Step. We are started the half way to win the Simulation Game Simulation !!
Again, this Round to Round guides can apply if we start from Round 1.  DO NOT use this suggestions if you are already in the middle of the game, having completion several rounds without this guides. If so, your company may not have enough upgrades and automation to follow this suggested strategy, you can refer to other TIP to Rescue Company or Mid Game Tips.
Now, if you are in Round 1, we can apply this Round to Round Strategy and Win the game.
The numbers are from my game, you need to use your Excel file, numbers will be a little different. If you can not create your file, email: – I can create a file for you for FREE.
We use the following strategy for the guides and winning TIP in Round to Round Strategy.
R&D: Research and Development
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Low End sensor PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 MTBF 12.000 – this is Low End sweet spot  Year 4
  2. Change original Low End sensor MTBF to 12.000 (don’t re-position original Low End)
  3. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.1 SIZE 14.3 MTBF 14.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 9.2 SIZE 11.2 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 9.8 SIZE 16.0 MTBF 27.000 (max)
  6. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 4.4 SIZE 10.6 MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Traditional sensor PFMN 8.2 – SIZE 12.2 MTBF 14.000 – this is sweet spot for Traditional Year 4
  2. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.8 SIZE 13.6 – Keep 14.000 (min)
  3. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 10.1 SIZE 10.3 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 10.8 SIZE 15.3 – Keep MTBF 27.000 (max)
  5. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 5.1 SIZE 9.6 MTBF – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new High End sensor eg. PFMN 11.9 – SIZE 8.5 – this is High End sweet spot Year 4
  2. (Optional) Create a new Size or Performance instead of High End (with round 4 sweet spot specifications)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensor ONLY if you plan to continue them (with round 3 sweet spots specification – see above table).
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Low End sensor to PFMN 4.1 SIZE 16.3 – Keep MTFB 12.0000 (this takes more than a year to complete)
  6. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 7.5 SIZE 12.9 – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
So, for 3 first Rounds, we create new Low End, Traditional and High End each Round.
We can also stop Performance and Size (we will do that by lower Promo and Sales budget to 0 in Marketing and Production).
  1. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 8.2 SIZE 12.2 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.9 SIZE 8.5 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 4 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 8.9 SIZE 11.5 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 12.8 SIZE 7.6 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 5 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 9.6 SIZE 10.8 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 13.7 SIZE 6.7 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 6 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 10.3 SIZE 10.1 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 14.6 SIZE 5.8 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 7 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 11.5 SIZE 4.9 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 8 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
TIPS: Lower MTBF to the minimum of the range (except Performance segment only)
From Round 1 to Round 8, for all the rounds, when we do R&D, we should lower MTBF to the minimum of the range in order to save cost and increase contribution margins.
The is the key Profit Driving tool since Reliability only accounts for small percentages of the Customer Buying Criteria (see all the 5 segments to see details, in Capstone Courier Report every year, page 5-9).
Note: If we want safe strategies, keep MTBF as average.
Except only Performance segment, we keep that max MTBF at 27.000, for all the other 4 segments, we select minimum MTBF eg. Traditional to 14.000, Low End to 12.000, High End to 20.000 and Size to 16.000
We set MTBF for Performance to max 27.000 because buying criteria for this segment is 43%. See following figure.
Again, the numbers for each Industry is changed when game created for different class or group, so we need to check the number from Industry Report and Capstone Courier every round (year).
If we want to compete is 3-4 segments (not all 5), the two most potential and profitable are Low End and Tradition.
They are most potential lucrative.
We need to read reports for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 and then in Round 3 and 4 we will select to leave 1 or 2 least competitive which have least profit.
Creating 1 new segment, eg. Low End is good (often in Round 1)
Creating 2 new segments, eg. Low End and Traditional will provide more Profits in later Round, eg. 5-6-7 and 8. (Often we create New Traditional in Round 2)
In Round 3, we can create new High End segment (more profitable). However, if we see strong competition in High End, we should create new segment in SIZE (better than Performance – high cost).
TIPS: Re-position Low End sensor for only ONE time in Year 3
The original Low End sensor should only be re-positioned once for the entire game, not to the Ideal Spot.
The Traditional segment sweet spot is the same with Ideal, Drift spots because Ideal Offsets is 0-0 for this segment.
The High End, Performance, and Size segments have sweet spots half way from Drift to Ideal Sport. We can use excel file to calculate (download at the end of this article).
Note: If Sweet spot with half way cost too much and too long time to R&D, we can select strategy 4 with 1/3 way from Drift to Ideal spots.
We upgrade original Low End only one time for the entire game, upgrade in Year 3 with specification of Year 4 Sweet Spot (PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 or PFMN 4.9 – SIZE 15.5) – The new Low End segment will be created in Year 1 with Sweet Spot specification of Year 4.
Note that all figures to input in your game is different from this articles, you should get number from Industry report, put 1 line in Excel file and get your own game figures. Just input in only Round 0 – Strategy 1 –> Then all tables will be updated.
See the table bellow for details.
Note: if any products which do not require Age as 0-1 year, we do not have to update every year, we can update to Pfmn and Size of 2-3 years later. Then the products can meet requirement better and sell better.
So, when we start Simulation Game 2017, we can have 4 options or 4 different strategies.
Option 1. Follow Drift suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
The segment circle drift rates is the 2nd bottom line (Note to get data from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
The segment Ideal Spot Offset is the bottom line (Note to get from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
If we follow this strategy, our products are up to date but not very competitive, because most of competitors try to upgrade toward Ideal Sport which is much better specifications.
Option 2. Follow Drift plus Ideal Spot Offsets suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others)
This strategy is the Highest upgrade specification, therefore, it often cost too much and takes too long time for R&D.
Also, this specification is too good, (ideal), so, we often out of stock, we can not produce enough to sell to market.
Then, we get less Profit.
If should not follow strategy 2, it is too much advance in R&D and it cost too much time and money.
OPTION 3. Half way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification.
OPTION 4. One third way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification
We often start with Strategy 4 or 3 above. It is the best way to get Profit and also Competitiveness at the same time.

NOTE: R&D Specifications and Revision Date

Make sure that  R&D projects complete in the same year, before 31st December same year, or we can not sell new products in the year.
If we can not upgrade products as our plan, we can try as close as possible, it is important that new products are launched in the year, from June to July. Some may say, 26th June for example.
There are 2 exceptions to this rule:
1. Creating a new Product can take longer than a year
2. Upgrading Original Low End sensor for only 1 time in Round 3 will take longer than 1 year.
Note that, as long as new products are not ready, old versions are still being sold  with old specifications.
If new product is ready in November 30, we have only 1 month to sell them, so we will not get much profits from this new R&D.
We need to create a base for our strategy, we can use excel file like this – LINK TO FILE 
NOTE: Numbers for the first line is taken from Industry Condition Report. Each Industry has DIFFERENT starting numbers, so, we need to input these Specification in the excel file to create our own STRATEGIES.
We need to download Industry Condition Report from our own game to create plan for all rounds ahead.
Note to put Specification of your own Industry in to this line in excel files. We need to put that in one line only, other lines will be automatically calculated for all 8 rounds to Drift spots, Ideal spots and all 50% to sweet spots.
Check all the figures carefully to make sure we are setting plan with correct numbers from Industry Report. Also, we check with report after each round to adjust Pfmn and Size for each product after each round.
We can set 1 or 2 or 3 different strategies.
Strategy 1. Increase specifications with Drift Rates
Strategy 2. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and Ideal Offsets.
Strategy 3. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and 1/3 Ideal Offsets (+30%)
Strategy 4. Increase specifications with Drift Rates and 1/2 Ideal Offsets (+50%)
We can also follow different strategies to win the game, with high Net Profit, high Market share, and other Financial factors including ROE, ROA.
TIP. Add or change specification each round depending on Time to launch, should be in June and July same year so we have enough time to sell new products.
TIP. This tip is quite sophisticated, if we find a product with 2-3-4 years of age, we do not have to upgrade every round, so we can upgrade 1 time for a few years ahead, eg. Low End product, we can upgrade 1-2 times only.

TIP 02 – MARKETING – 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Apply  $2.000 for promotion and sales budgets for Traditional and Low End, because above this level, diminishing returns are experienced.

Apply $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size segments.
Keep this spending from Round 1 to Round 3, until we can decide which segments we will continue. Then, we increase all segments to $2.000 to compete.
For segments, we do not want to continue, for example Performance or Size, we reduce budgets for that segment to only $0.
Eg. PRICE $35
Promo Budget: 1.500
Sales Budget: 1.500
Forecast: 1.580
This is for basic Marketing decisions.
For Promotion, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% awareness. Then we can cut it back to $ 1.400 per round.
For Sales, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% accessibility. Then we can scale back to $ 1.650 for each sensors.
We can increase much higher, or even max, to see how much awareness and accessibility we can get, just click CALCULATION button to see how much we get for that year. Then we can increase or decrease spending to get 100%.
Budget for sales, accessibility for multiple sensors in a segment, they are combine together.
See figures in followings:
We can adjust the percentage to focus on products we want to promote more than the others.
Each round we can lower all prices down at least $ 0.50 from maximum price of the segment to keep up with customer expectation (lower each year)
We can create in excel file a table for Prices to keep track of lowering prices every year – LINK
We need to check from Capstone Courier Prices (from page 5 to page 9) to see max prices for each segment, in the top product at the end of each page
If competitors are cutting prices in Traditional and Low End segments, we need to lower prices to close to their levels.
However, when competitors lower their prices too much, they will not have enough capacity to sell, also they suffer stock out.
We can still keep prices higher and get market shares at higher profit level. This is why we need to calculate demands and plan production as precisely as we can.
We DO NOT have to compete with prices in High End, Size and Performance, because buying criteria is low, only 9 – 19%
Do not trust computer suggestions, they always wrong.
We have a formula to calculate and forecast sales for next round
1. Get Market shares from Page 10 of Courier Report
2. Get Total Sales also from Page 10
3. Get Market potential growth for each segment from page 5 to 9
Sales forecast = Potential market share % x Segment size x (1 + Segment Growth Rate).
Page 10 gives us Potential Market share, we use this (do not use actual market share)
If we think we can sell more, we can just adjust the percentage.
We can use Excel file to calculate more conveniently. Use 8 sheets for 8 round, just copy and paste number from Courier Report Page 10, Page 4 and select market growth rate from page 5-9 into each sheet. We can get Sales Forecast and also Production.
Download the Excel file from here – LINK
If you need help, we can create a file for you for FREE – email:
See figure
NOTE: Use potential market share (RIGHT Column) to calculate and forecast sales.
You can copy and paste into excel file, then it can calculate automatically Sales and Productions. You can adjust the percentage if we think we can sell more or less.
We can add 500 products for newly added products, they often sell well because of high Pfmn and smaller size than expected. And, increasing capacity every round for new products. We need to add capacity and automation to new product right from the year of R&D so that we can have new capacity to produce as soon as the R&D in completed.

TIP 3 – Re-position Low End sensor for only ONE time in Year 3

The original Low End sensor should only be re-positioned once for the entire game, not to the Ideal Spot.
The Traditional segment sweet spot is the same with Ideal, Drift spots because Ideal Offsets is 0-0 for this segment.
The High End, Performance, and Size segments have sweet spots half way from Drift to Ideal Sport. We can use excel file to calculate (download at the end of this article).
Note: If Sweet spot with half way cost too much and too long time to R&D, we can select strategy 4 with 1/3 way from Drift to Ideal spots.
We upgrade original Low End only one time for the entire game, upgrade in Year 3 with specification of Year 4 Sweet Spot (PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 or PFMN 4.9 – SIZE 15.5) – The new Low End segment will be created in Year 1 with Sweet Spot specification of Year 4.
Note that all figures to input in your game is different from this articles, you should get number from Industry report, put 1 line in Excel file and get your own game figures. Just input in only Round 0 – Strategy 1 –> Then all tables will be updated.
See the table bellow for details.

TIP 4 – Lower MTBF to the minimum of the range (except Performance segment only)

From Round 1 to Round 8, for all the rounds, when we do R&D, we should lower MTBF to the minimum of the range in order to save cost and increase contribution margins.
The is the key Profit Driving tool since Reliability only accounts for small percentages of the Customer Buying Criteria (see all the 5 segments to see details, in simulation Courier Report every year, page 5-9).
Except only Performance segment, we keep that max MTBF at 27.000, for all the other 4 segments, we select minimum MTBF eg. Traditional to 14.000, Low End to 12.000, High End to 20.000 and Size to 16.000
We set MTBF for Performance to max 27.000 because buying criteria for this segment is 43%. See following figure.
Again, the numbers for each Industry is changed when game created for different class or group, so we need to check the number from Industry Report and simulation Courier every round (year).
If we want to compete is 3-4 segments (not all 5), the two most potential and profitable are Low End and Tradition.
They are most potential lucrative.
We need to read reports for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 and then in Round 3 and 4 we will select to leave 1 or 2 least competitive which have least profit.
Creating 1 new segment, eg. Low End is good (often in Round 1)
Creating 2 new segments, eg. Low End and Traditional will provide more Profits in later Round, eg. 5-6-7 and 8. (Often we create New Traditional in Round 2)
In Round 3, we can create new High End segment (more profitable). However, if we see strong competition in High End, we should create new segment in SIZE (better than Performance – high cost).
So, when we start simulation 2017, we can have 4 options or 4 different strategies.
Option 1. Follow Drift suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
The segment circle drift rates is the 2nd bottom line (Note to get data from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
The segment Ideal Spot Offset is the bottom line (Note to get from Your Industry Condition report to Excel file)
If we follow this strategy, our products are up to date but not very competitive, because most of competitors try to upgrade toward Ideal Sport which is much better specifications.
Option 2. Follow Drift plus Ideal Spot Offsets suggested from Industry Condition Report (each Industry is different from others)
This strategy is the Highest upgrade specification, therefore, it often cost too much and takes too long time for R&D.
Also, this specification is too good, (ideal), so, we often out of stock, we can not produce enough to sell to market.
Then, we get less Profit.
If should not follow strategy 2, it is too much advance in R&D and it cost too much time and money.
OPTION 3. Half way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification.
OPTION 4. One third way from Drift to Ideal Spot Specification
We often start with Strategy 4 or 3 above. It is the best way to get Profit and also Competitiveness at the same time.

TIP 5 – R&D 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

In order to apply this Round to Round strategy for R&D, we need to create an excel file with your own data from Industry Condition Report and put data in Excel file to get more precise numbers.
Step 1. Download Industry Condition Report (from your game)
Step 2. Download Excel file for automatic calculation strategies and decisions
Back up link – LINK
Step 3. Very important
Open page 2 of Industry Condition Report and get the Table 2, first line for Round 0  and put that numbers in Round 0 in Excel file, then the file will automatically calculate all decisions for 8 rounds, with 4 different STRATEGIES.
DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT numbers in excel file, that is a little bit different from YOUR GAME (creator and administrator change the numbers when new industry is created for new class).
–> Get Round 0 number from Industry Condition Report
–> Put into Excel file, Round 0 (only 1 row) –> Then the file will automatically calculate all the decisions
(Check Drift and Ideal Offsets – 2 last rows of table 1 –  they often do not change for all game)
We can use the Excel file to calculate Specifications for R&D more easily.
If you have come to this Step. We are half way win the simulation Simulation !!
Again, this Round to Round guides can apply if we start from Round 1.  DO NOT use this suggestions if you are already in the middle of the game, having completion several rounds without this guides. If so, your company may not have enough upgrades and automation to follow this suggested strategy, you can refer to other TIP to Rescue Company or Mid Game Tips.
Now, if you are in Round 1, we can apply this Round to Round Strategy and Win the game.
The numbers are from my game, you need to use your Excel file, numbers will be a little different. If you can not create your file, email: – I can create a file for you for FREE.
We use the following strategy for the guides and winning TIP in Round to Round Strategy.
R&D: Research and Development
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Low End sensor PFMN 4.1 – SIZE 16.3 MTBF 12.000 – this is Low End sweet spot  Year 4
  2. Change original Low End sensor MTBF to 12.000 (don’t re-position original Low End)
  3. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.1 SIZE 14.3 MTBF 14.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 9.2 SIZE 11.2 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 9.8 SIZE 16.0 MTBF 27.000 (max)
  6. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 4.4 SIZE 10.6 MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new Traditional sensor PFMN 8.2 – SIZE 12.2 MTBF 14.000 – this is sweet spot for Traditional Year 4
  2. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 6.8 SIZE 13.6 – Keep 14.000 (min)
  3. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 10.1 SIZE 10.3 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  4. Re-position original Performance sensor to PFMN 10.8 SIZE 15.3 – Keep MTBF 27.000 (max)
  5. Re-position original Size sensor to PFMN 5.1 SIZE 9.6 MTBF – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Create a new High End sensor eg. PFMN 11.9 – SIZE 8.5 – this is High End sweet spot Year 4
  2. (Optional) Create a new Size or Performance instead of High End (with round 4 sweet spot specifications)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensor ONLY if you plan to continue them (with round 3 sweet spots specification – see above table).
  4. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  5. Re-position original Low End sensor to PFMN 4.1 SIZE 16.3 – Keep MTFB 12.0000 (this takes more than a year to complete)
  6. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 7.5 SIZE 12.9 – Keep MTBF 16.000 (min)
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
So, for 3 first Rounds, we create new Low End, Traditional and High End each Round.
We can also stop Performance and Size (we will do that by lower Promo and Sales budget to 0 in Marketing and Production).
  1. Re-position original Traditional sensor to PFMN 8.2 SIZE 12.2 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position original High End sensor to PFMN 11.9 SIZE 8.5 MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 4 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 8.9 SIZE 11.5 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 12.8 SIZE 7.6 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 5 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 9.6 SIZE 10.8 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 13.7 SIZE 6.7 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 6 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 10.3 SIZE 10.1 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 14.6 SIZE 5.8 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 7 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.
  1. Re-position both Traditional sensors to PFMN 11.0 SIZE 9.4 – Keep MTBF 14.000 (min)
  2. Re-position both High End sensors to PFMN 11.5 SIZE 4.9 – Keep MTBF 20.000 (min)
  3. (Optional) Re-position original Performance and Size sensors only if we plan to continue them (use round 8 sweet sport from above table).
Note: You need to adjust the number of PFMN and SIZE to get new product launch in June or July.

TIP 6 – MARKETING – 8 Rounds guides – Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Apply  $2.000 for promotion and sales budgets for Traditional and Low End, because above this level, diminishing returns are experienced.
Apply $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size segments.
Keep this spending from Round 1 to Round 3, until we can decide which segments we will continue. Then, we increase all segments to $2.000 to compete.
For segments, we do not want to continue, for example Performance or Size, we reduce budgets for that segment to only $0.
For Promotion, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% awareness. Then we can cut it back to $ 1.400 per round.
For Sales, we continue $ 2.000 until we reach 100% accessibility. Then we can scale back to $ 1.650 for each sensors.
We can increase much higher, or even max, to see how much awareness and accessibility we can get, just click CALCULATION button to see how much we get for that year. Then we can increase or decrease spending to get 100%.
Budget for sales, accessibility for multiple sensors in a segment, they are combine together.
See figures in followings:
Each round we can lower all prices down at least $ 0.50 from maximum price of the segment to keep up with customer expectation (lower each year)
We can create in excel file a table for Prices to keep track of lowering prices every year – LINK
We need to check from simulation Courier Prices (from page 5 to page 9) to see max prices for each segment, in the top product at the end of each page
If competitors are cutting prices in Traditional and Low End segments, we need to lower prices to close to their levels.
However, when competitors lower their prices too much, they will not have enough capacity to sell, also they suffer stock out.
We can still keep prices higher and get market shares at higher profit level. This is why we need to calculate demands and plan production as precisely as we can.
We DO NOT have to compete with prices in High End, Size and Performance, because buying criteria is low, only 9 – 19%
Do not trust computer suggestions, they always wrong.
We have a formula to calculate and forecast sales for next round
1. Get Market shares from Page 10 of Courier Report
2. Get Total Sales also from Page 10
3. Get Market potential growth for each segment from page 5 to 9
Sales forecast = Potential market share % x Segment size x (1 + Segment Growth Rate).
Page 10 gives us Potential Market share, we use this (do not use actual market share)
If we think we can sell more, we can just adjust the percentage.
We can use Excel file to calculate more conveniently. Use 8 sheets for 8 round, just copy and paste number from Courier Report Page 10, Page 4 and select market growth rate from page 5-9 into each sheet. We can get Sales Forecast and also Production.
Download the Excel file from here – LINK
If you need help, we can create a file for you for FREE – email:
See figur
NOTE: Use potential market share (RIGHT Column) to calculate and forecast sales.
You can copy and paste into excel file, then it can calculate automatically Sales and Productions. You can adjust the percentage if we think we can sell more or less.

TIP 7 – MARKETING – 8 Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

MARKETING – Round by Round Decisions

Round 1 – Marketing

  1. Leave A/R lag (Account Receivable) at 30 days, this will be increased later rounds to get higher demands when we have more profits and more cash available.
  2. Leave A/P lag (Account Payable) at 30 days. This is always stay at 30 days for all 8 rounds
  3. Set Promotion and Sales budgets both for $2.000 for Traditional and Low End sensors
  4. Set Promotion and Sales budgets all for $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size
  5. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  6. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new Low End sensor in R&D)

Round 2 – Marketing

  1. Expect the new Low End sensor to sell about 0.2 x original Low End sensor market share
  2. Leave A/P lag (Account Payable) at 30 days. This is always stay at 30 days for all 8 rounds
  3. Set Promotion and Sales budgets both for $2.000 for Traditional and Low End sensors
  4. Set Promotion and Sales budgets all for $1.500 for High End, Performance and Size
  5. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  6. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new Traditional sensor in R&D)

Round 3 – Marketing

  1. If we decide to exit a segment, such as Size or Performance, keep the Promotion and Sales budgets at $0.
  2. What ever segments we decide to stay, increase Promotion and Sales to $2.000
  3. Expect new Traditional sensor to sell about 0.3 x original Traditional sensor market share.
  4. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  5. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we create a new High End sensor in R&D)

Round 4 – Marketing

  1. Increase A/R Lag (Account Receivable) to 46 days, this helps to increase demands
  2. Once 100% awareness is reached for a sensor, in any round, we can scale back to $1.400 but need to check if can that budget maintain 100% awareness.
  3. Expect new High End sensor to sell about 0.75 x original High End sensor market share.
  4. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  5. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 
(Note: This round we exit segments because we have reduced Promo and Sales budgets to $0 also we have reduce Production capacity to only 1)

Round 5 – Marketing

  1. Increase A/R Lag (Account Receivable) to 61 days, this helps to increase demands
  2. Note to add new market shares for new developed products, check in page 10 simulation Courier.
  3. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  4. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 

Round 6 to 8 – Marketing

  1. Note to add new market shares for new developed products, check in page 10 simulation Courier.
  2. Once 100% accessibility is reached for a segment (in any round) we can scale back the Sales budget t $1.650 for each segment to maintain 100% accessibility. Note to adjust and then check the graphs at the end of the market table.
  3. Lower all prices at least $0.50 as indicated in the excel table or check from Courier Report for max price for that segment last year
  4. USE THE SALE FORMULA or EXCEL FILE to calculate sales forecast and production – LINK 


TIP 8 – PRODUCTION – 8 Round by Round Guide from Round 1 to Round 8

Note to check Workforce needed and Workforce complement, if the box is editable, make sure to match the needed with This Year to save money. Otherwise we waste money.
We will increase automation every round.
Traditional to 8.0 (4.0 – 5.0 – 6. 0 – 7.0 – 8.0)
Low End to 10.0 (5.0 – 6.7 – 8.4 – 10)
High End to 5.0
Performance to 6.0
Size to 6.0
Production amounts should always be 112% of Sales Forecast.
This allow some extra inventory to take advantage of competitors suffer from stock out. This often happens.
When we calculate production, we need to take in to account inventory from previous round.
We can use excel file to calculate PRODUCTION more conveniently – LINK
If we see that year we have Stock out, we can increase production more than 112% to 120% or even 125%. If we see some inventory, we can reduce for that segment back to 112%.
Our goal is to keep our plant production at 150% (full first shift and 50% second shift).
This allows more flexibility to deal with short term market changes.
Remember that added capacity isn’t available until next round. So if we add capacity in round 2, it will be available in round 3.
If we see any factory with more than 150% capacity, we can add more capacity to that, just simply multiple the excess over 150% with total capacity. For example 180% of 2.000 factory, we will add 30% surplus = 30% x 2.000 = 600
We do not sell factories, even we are not using 100% at the current round.
We only reduce the segments we want to exit to 1. By doing so, we can still sell the rest of inventories in that segment at full price, not 50% price.

TIP 9 – PRODUCTION – 8 Round by Round Strategy

If we can not complete all suggestion, try to come as close as possible.
Try to use all the budget available in the first 3 rounds and more if possible
The KEY to win simulation is to control Automation as early as possible. The more automation is better.
Round 1 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 5.0 to 6.7 automation
  2. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  3. Create 500 capacity with automation 5.0 for the new Low End sensor
  4. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 2 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 6.7 to 8.4 automation
  2. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 5.0 to 6.0 automation
  3. Create 500 capacity with automation 5.0 for the new Traditional sensor
  4. Upgrade new Low End sensor from 5.0 to right 8.4 automation.
  5. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 3 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Low End sensor from 8.4 to 10.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new Low End sensor from 8.4 to 10.0 automation.
  3. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 6.0 to 7.0 automation
  4. Upgrade new Traditional sensor from 5.0 right to 7.0 automation
  5. Create 400 capacity with automation 3.0 for the new High End sensor
  6. Add extra capacity for new Low End sensor
  7. Add extra capacity for original Low End sensor
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 4 – Production
  1. Upgrade original Traditional sensor from 7.0 to 8.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new Traditional sensor from 7.0 to 8.0 automation
  3. (Optional) Reduce Capacity for segments that are being exited, such as Performance and Size
  4. Upgrade original High End sensor from 3.0 to 4.0 automation
  5. Upgrade new High End sensor from 3.0 to 4.0 automation
  6. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.

Round 5 – Production
  1. Upgrade original High End sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  2. Upgrade new High End sensor from 4.0 to 5.0 automation
  3. (Optional) Reduce Capacity for segments that are being exited, such as Performance and Size
  4. Add extra capacity for new High End sensor
  5. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
NOTE: check the bottom right corner to see if we use close to total available budget.
Round 6 and 7 – Production
  1. Add extra capacity for all needed sensors
Round 8 – Production
  1. Last round of the game, do not add any capacity or automation !!
It is important to invest in HR because productivity is measured in the Balanced Score Card and also this investment will reduce labor costs.
Usually HR has a few options available are Recruiting Spending, Training Hours
Aim for the maximum of $5.000 recruitment spending and 80 hours training every round.
If you have limited funds, try $2.000 and 40 hours training.
If the Labor negotiations are available, we can use half way, win – win strategy, between demanded and current contract.
when input number here, double check to make sure correct numbers and avoid labor strikes.
We often use half way for negotiations, average of current contract and labor demands.
In TQM focus on setting $1.500 to $2.000 per round for each item, select the most useful initiatives first. Continue this for three round and then stop spending money into that initiatives, because it will no longer make any significant changes. We can see this from graphs at the end of screen.
$5.000 is the maximum budget for each initiative for the whole game.
Optimal way to add money is $2.000 – $2.000 and $1.000 or $1.500 – $1.500 and $1.000 depends on maximum allowed for each round.
Priority order for TQM initiative benefits:
  1. Reduce material costs
  2. Reduce labor costs
  3. Reduce R&D costs
  4. Increase demands
  5. Reduce SG&A expense
There are generally the best initiatives to put money in first:
  1. CCE/6 Sigma Training
  2. GEMI TQEM Sustainability
  3. CPI Systems
  4. Vendor /JIT
  5. QIT
  6. QFDE
We can apply try with different initiatives to see which one will bring more effects or most effective. Then in later rounds, we spend money in less effective initiatives when we have more extra money.
We can see the suggestions in the following tables.


Finance should always be the last decision we make after all the other section decisions have been made.

How we make decisions in Finance depends on How the game will be graded.
Most groups are graded on the Balanced Scorecard.
Some groups are graded on Profit or Stock Price.
We can keep at least $16.000 (000) cash for a round to avoid emergency loans.
We can keep more cash, it is always better than lack of cash.
We need to keep right amount of cash to get MAX  Days of Working Capital (not too much, not too little).
When we have much Cash and Net Profit, we need to pay off dividends and retire stocks to increase Leverage and also get max points for Days of Working Capital.
We need to create a base for our strategy, we can use excel file like this – LINK TO FILE 
NOTE: Numbers for the first line is taken from Industry Condition Report. Each Industry has DIFFERENT starting numbers, so, we need to download Industry Condition Report and input these Specification in the excel file to create our own STRATEGIES (page 2 of 8 from report). Only for Round 0 of STRATEGY 1 – then other cells will be automatically updated.
Note to put Specification of your own Industry in to this line in excel files.
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Online Real time Personal Guides and Tutorials.
Direct guides through all the decisions from Round 1 to Round 8
Your team will understand and lead the Game with more controlling
Your team can lead the game with more fun and learn a lot with leading position (often 1st or 2nd)


Download Strategic Management – Top 3 E-books 2016 –link (Free download)
Download Strategic Management – Presentation PPT –link(Free download)
Download Strategic Management – Case study Guides. (Free download)
1. Ebook Strategic Management – Top 3 text book – link
2. Strategic Management – Test banks  – link
3. Strategic Management – Case Study Guides  – link
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Winning Guides and Tips
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NOTE: Check the Round 0 data carefully to make sure they fit with the estimation and calculation excel files
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CompXM 2018 – Free Winning Guides and Tips (update CompXM 2019)

MBA Simulation XM Guides and Tips 2018
with Excel file for Sales Forecast & Production Calculation

1. General winning strategies for simulation exam (XM)

1.1. Overview of the Simulation Exam

Simulation Exam (XM) is quite similar to Simulation game. The general strategies to win the exam simulation is to R&D new products, name after the old products and try to locate their market segments, this will make calculation of sales forecast and production more easily. This game has four product segments. Thrift is similar to low end, core is similar to traditional, nano is similar to size and elite is similar to performance. The marketing, automation and capacity is important to win the simulation. We compete with 03 computer control companies, each will focus on specific segment, therefore we often can not defeat each company in one segment but we can lead in all segments with much higher total sales and net profit. So, the winning strategies are adding new products and applying the reasonable strategies of marketing and production, support by finance and human resource, TQM strategies and win the game in all 4 rounds.
First step is to download industry condition report, then use the number from industry condition report to put in first line in excel file. The formula automatically calculates the strategies for all 4 years (4 rounds). We will use strategy 2 to win the simulation in 4 rounds.

1.2. Using the Excel file to support all 4 rounds

With the excel file, we can keep track of all rounds update and R&D products, keep updating products as close as possible to ideal spots. Also, the excel file will support calculating prices, sales forecast for each product in each round, as well as calculating productions for each product each round, this is the key to win the game. This simulation for exam has 4 product segments: Thrift, Core, Nano and Elite. We add 4 new products as close to ideal spots of each segment as possible, and also update the old products, for each segment we will have two products supporting each other and can sell better than competitors. This is zero sum game, so when we can gain higher sales, we can compete better.
* Drift rates are the following, which is put in excel already
Segment/ Perf / Size
Thrift +0.5 -0.5
Core +0.8 – 0.8
Nano +0.8 -1.1
Elite +1.1 -0.8
* Also, we adjust product each round using adjustment to get closer to Ideal spot.
We need to check and make sure products match their segments
We also see the details of customer buying criteria for each segment from Industry Condition Report or Courier Report.
We have prices and MTBF for each product as follows:
– Thrift: Price 22, MTBF: 18.000 (17.000)
– Core: Price 30, MTBF: 20.000 (19.000)
– Nano: Price 38 and MTBF: 22.000 (21.000)
– Elite: Price 42 and MTBF: 24.000 (23.000)
We also keep track of prices for all the four rounds as follows:
(Free Support for Creating Excel File for Calculations of R&D, Sales Forecast, Production
Personal Support for all rounds to Win the game)

2. Sample Winning Strategies

2.1. Round 1 Strategies


For R&D, we add 4 new products in all the 4 segments, which are close to the ideal spot and can sell well from round 2. Try to control the launching date early next year, so we have enough time to sell new products. Round 1 and 2, we will get normal sales, from round 3 and 4 we will get much higher sales than all competitors.
– We can also select to add 3 new products in 3 segments and still win the game.
– We can also select to add 2 new products in 2 segments and still win the game.
NamePfmnSizeMTBFRevision DateAge
Note: Do NOT just use these number, use the number created from your game and excel file.
Note: Again – Do not just use the above numbers, you need to download Industry Condition report from your Exam Game and add the first line into Excel file to create your own game numbers. This is very important because each game has different start number for Pfmn, Size for each segment.

Marketing decisions

For marketing decisions, we apply 1.500 for sales and promotion budget.
Also, using the excel file for calculating the sales forecast and production for round 1.
We can add 10% because we have good product and also good price, high promo and sales budget.
NamePricePromoSalesSales forecast

Production decisions

– Add new capacity for 4 new products: about 500 each
– Increase automation: thrift to 6.0, core to 5.0 and nano, elite 4.0

HR decisions

Use 5.000 and 80 hours


Use max stock issue: 39.125
Max long term loans: 14.722

Note for Round 1 results:

Round 1 result is just good sales and net profit, we focus on R&D new products and add new capacity. From round 2, sales will increase fast when new products sell well and we can update old products.

2.2. Round 2 Strategies

R&D decisions

We update 4 old products to as close to ideal spots as possible based on plan calculated in excel file.
The 4 new products are close to ideal spots already when we R&D from round 1 and they are ready to sell in round 2.
NamePfmnSizeMTBFRevision DateAge
Note: Do NOT just use these number, use the number created from your game and excel file.
Note: Again – Do not just use the above numbers, you need to download Industry Condition report from your Exam Game and add the first line into Excel file to create your own game numbers. This is very important because each game has different start number for Pfmn, Size for each segment.

Marketing decisions

NamePricePromoSalesSales forecast
Use excel file to calculate the sales forecast for round 2 based on sales units from round 1 and market segment growth rates.

Production decisions

Use excel file to calculate production, add 10-12% from sales forecast to avoid stock out.
Add more capacity for Agape (Thrift) and THR2: 200 for each
Add more capacity for new products: THR2: 200, COR2: 200, NAN2: 400; ELI2: 400
Increase automation: Thrift to 8.0; Core to 7.0 and Nano, Elite to 5.0
Spend about 67.000 / total 78.000 investment limit.

HR decisions

Use 5.000 and 80 hours

TQM decisions

Use all 1.000 for 10 initiatives


Use max long-term loans: 51.000
Use max stock issue: 27.000 (or 15.000)
Keep about 20.000 cash in hand
This is the estimated results of round 2.

Note for Round 2 results:

In round 2, we start getting higher sales about 270.000 and net profit increase to about 20.000

2.3. Round 3 Strategies

R&D decisions

For round 3, we will lead the game, just keep updating products based on Pfmn and Size calculated in the excel file. For each segment, we have two products, which support each other and can sell well.
NamePfmnSizeMTBFRevision DateAge
Note: Do NOT just use these number, use the number created from your game and excel file.
Note: Again – Do not just use the above numbers, you need to download Industry Condition report from your Exam Game and add the first line into Excel file to create your own game numbers. This is very important because each game has different start number for Pfmn, Size for each segment.

Marketing decisions

Use excel file to calculate the sales forecast for round 3 based on sales units from round 2 and market segment growth rates. We can add 10% because we have better products and higher promo and sales budgets than competitors. Also, we have good sales and net profit now, we can spend higher promo and sales for round 3.
NamePricePromoSalesSales forecast
Reduce prices by 0.50 to keep more competitive prices.
Apply 1.500 for promo and sales, check if customer awareness and accessibility reach 100% then we can reduce to 1.400.
Note: Do NOT just use these number, use the number created from your game and excel file.

Production decisions

Use the excel file to calculate production, often add 12% from sales forecast to production to avoid stock out.
Increase automation for Thrift to 8.0, Core to 7.0 and Nano, Elite to 5.0 or (9.0, 8.0 and 6.0)
Add more capacity for THR2, COR2 about 200 each.

HR decisions

Use 5.000 and 80 hours of training

TQM decisions

Apply 1.000 for all the 10 TQM initiatives

Finance decisions

Keep about 20.000 cash in hand
Pay some dividends, retire stocks if having too much cash in hand

Note for Round 3 results

Note that in round 1 and 2, we do not have very high sales and net profit, just keep that higher than competitors, and from round 3, we will have very high sales and net profit.
Sales about: 270.000.000 and net profit about 40.000.000

2.4. Round 4 Strategies

R&D decisions

This is the last round of the exam. We are leading the game, just keep updating products based on the excel file plan. We have good products in all the 4 segments, leading in most of the segments with sales and net profit.
NamePfmnSizeMTBFRevision DateAge
Note: Do not just use the above numbers, use the number from your game and excel file.
Note: Again – Do not just use the above numbers, you need to download Industry Condition report from your Exam Game and add the first line into Excel file to create your own game numbers. This is very important because each game has different start number for Pfmn, Size for each segment.
Each game industry condition report may be different from others.

Marketing decisions

Again, use the excel file to calculate sales forecast based on unit sold in round 3. Add 10% if needed because we have better products, better price and higher promo and sales spending.
Reduce prices by 0.50 to keep more competitive than competitors.
NamePricePromoSalesSales forecast
Note that do not just use the above numbers, use your excel file to calculate the forecast of sales.

Production decisions

This is the last round of the game, do not need to add more capacity.
Keep automation for thrift at 8.0, core 7.0 and nano, elite at 5.0 or 9.0, 8.0 and 6.0

HR decisions

Keep using 5.000 and 80 hours of training

TQM decisions

Keep applying all 10 initiatives of 1.000 for each

Finance decisions

Retire stocks: about 14.000
Retire long-term loans: about 22.000
Pay some dividend per share: 8.00
Keep about 20.000 cash in hand

Round 4 estimated results

Round 4 is just also high results, sales about 310 – 335.000.000 and net profit about 50- 62.000.000 with Contribution margin about 46-48%, net profit about 18%. Note to keep high cash in hand to avoid emergency loan.

3. Key notes to win the simulation exam

3.1. For R&D

Add new products
R&D and update products each round based on calculation from excel file to as close as possible to ideal spots and launch new product in mid year.

3.2. For Marketing

Keep track of promo and sales budgets of competitors and spend higher
User formula:
(Industry Demand * Industry Growth Rate) * (Own Product Survey Score/Total Product Survey Scores).
Or just use: Sold unit * Growth Rate * 10% and adjust by comparison with competitors’ sales.

3.3. For production

Multiple sales forecast by 1.12 and subtracted by inventory
Increase automation of Thrift, Core, Nano and Elite to 8.0, 7.0 and 5.0 or 9.0, 8.0 and 6.0

3.4. For Finance

For round 1 and 2, get max investment sources from issuing stocks and long-term debts
For round 3, and 4, when having high sales and net profit, can retire some stocks, retire long term debts. Check leverage to maintain high BCS score.
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QUICK Q&A for CompXM (Update 2018)
R & D – Should do
Download Industry Condition Report
Add Round 0 numbers into Excel file, Excel file will automatically calculated Ideal Spots for All products (4 to 8) in all 4 segments: Thrift, Core, Nano and Elite for all 4 years.
– Thrift and Core need 2 years to update to ideal spots
– Nano and Elite can update to ideal spot right from round 1
– Should add new products in Nano and Elite
– Also should add new products in Thrift can Core
– Both strategies can win the game
Elite and Nano- Max MTBF
Core and Thrift- 3,000-4,000 lower than the max (depending on competition always be better than them)
Can use 18.000 – 20.000 – 22.000 and 24.000 for MTBF for 4 segments
Price – you want it to be about a 40% contribution margin if possible
Elite and Nano – Max Price
Core and Thrift – A couple of dollars above the others (be competitive but keep higher due to your higher MTBF)
Sales/promo budget:
– round 1: 1500
– round 2: 1500
– round 3: 1400
– round 4: 1300
If you like high sales and net profit right from round 1, can use 1.200 – 1.400 – 1.600 and 2.000 in 4 rounds.
Note that round 1, 2 can have high sales and some net profit, because of strong investment in R&D, new products, add new capacity. Round 3-4 will have both highest sales and net profit, leading the game.
How to calculate Sales forecast: the formula is as follows
Benchmark prediction * .55 = sales forecast (not so good)
Last round units sold x segment growth (good)
Note to check suggestions to adjust forecast, also check customer preference.
ProductionSales forecast * 1.15 – inventory in hand = production schedule (if you have inventory on hand)
Sales forecast * 1.20  = production on hand (if you do not have inventory on hand)

Add capacity to each as needed to each product plan to produce 100-200 more than your current sales forecast for the next round.
– Keep the 2nd shift capacity as low a possible, about 50% (because 2nd shift cost is higher than first shift)
Automation:Add 1 full point (6.0 to 7.0) each round to each product.
This can be 4-4-6-8
Then 5-5-7-9
Then 6-6-8-10
Human resources: do this every round
80 hours
– If you really like good sales and also some good net profit from round 1, use 3.000 and 40 hours in round 1, all round 2-4 use 5.000 and 80 hours of training
  1. 1500
  2. 1500
  3. 1000
  4. 0 (max total 4.000 reach)
Add this amount to each section through the full TQM for all ten TQM initiatives
Or just use 1.000 for each year for all 4 years
Issue long term debt on right side in the amount to cover the RED number on the bottom, ex.(32,000)
Make sure the same  bottom number is positive 5,000 at least.
– Round 1-2 use both issue stocks and long term loans
– Round 3 have over 50 million cash in hand, can use only long term loan or not at all
– Round 4 can retire all stocks, also retire some long term loan, pay very small dividends and keep about 50 to 80 million cash in hand.
Free Personal Support for
Update 2018
New Stratetgies
And Free Personal Support
for Round 1 and Round 2

Guide to Capsim CAPSTONE

This is step by step guide to help you avoid the kind of mistakes that makes you lose when you start Capsim and also tips to get you win the game. 

Good Luck and Success!

You should do before start the Capsim

1 - Log in and read Industry Condition Report (Top menu, report tab, last row)

2 - Read Courier Report of last round (to get Market overview, Pricing, Production and Competitors analysis)

3 - Prepare an Excel file to calculate R&D, Sales Forecast and Production for each round.

You can download free Excel file here - LINK TO ALL EXCEL FILES

or Download Capsim Capstone Excel file here - LINK 2

Or email to: to get Free support for creating excel file.

Free Personal Support for Rounds 1-2



  1. 61
    Can you elaborate please regarding the order of the segments you chose to add products to? I mean why first low end segment, then traditional and lastly high end?

    Why we need to take a short debt ? What is the reason ?

    Why the new products are meant to be ideal for year 4 (why this year?!)? How this connects to our strategy?

    For HR decision- what is the reason for entering 40 h training and 3000 recruitment.
    FROM ROUND 4 USE 5000 AND 80


  2. 62c
    1. R&D add a new product in Low end, will start selling from Round 2, and double sales and profit from round 4-8, leading the game with sales and profit.
    2. Marketing: reduce prices by $0.50
    3. Promo and sales about 1.200 - keep close to competitors
    For Low End use 2.000 to sell best, it has high sales volume
    4. Production: If add a new product, NEED To add new CAPACITY for new Low End, about 500 and set automation 5.0
    Increase automation of Traditional to 5.0, Low End to 6.50
    Can sell surplus capacity of Traditional (-600) and High End (-300)
    Can add capacity for old Low End (200)
    5. HR use 3000 and 40 to save cost and gain profit, for round 1-2-3, from round 4 use max 5000 and 80 hours
    6. Finance: Use 2 sources of investment, Issue stock max and max long term loans, can also use short term borrowing
    7. TQM spend for all 10 initiatives, each 1000
    Will have top sales and profit from ROUND 4, leading the games all rounds 5-8.


  3. 63
    1. R&D add a new product in Traditional, will start selling from Round 3, and double sales and profit from round 4-8, leading the game with sales and profit.
    Update 4 old products
    Do not need to update Low End and new Low End (if added in Round 1)
    2. Marketing: reduce prices by $0.50 0 Eg. Traditional 29.00, Low End: 20.00; High End: 39.00, Performance: 34.00 and Size 34.00
    3. Promo and sales about 1.400 - keep close to competitors
    For Low End use 2.000 to sell best, it has high sales volume
    4. Production: If add a new product, NEED To add new CAPACITY for new Traditional, about 400 and set automation 5.0
    Increase automation of Traditional to 6.0, Low End to 8.0 and also for New Low End to 8.0 (if added from Round 1)
    Can add capacity for New Low End (300)
    5. HR use 3000 and 40 to save cost and gain profit, for round 1-2-3, from round 4 use max 5000 and 80 hours
    HR is long term investment
    6. Finance: Use 2 sources of investment, Issue stock max and max long term loans
    Can also use short term borrowing to avoid Emergency Loan
    From Round 6-7-8 can retire stocks and pay dividends, when having high sales, alot of cash and profit.
    7. TQM spend for all 10 initiatives, each 1000
    Will have top sales and profit from ROUND 4, leading the games all rounds 5-8.


  4. 64
    Note that this game requires all decisions cooperations.
    Only R&D can not sell. R&D can improve products each round to meet customer or market demands.
    Price is important for sales and profit. Good price can sell and bring profit.
    Production is important for volume, BEP and cost reduction. Need enough capacity to meet demands and automation to reduce cost.
    HR just spend 3000 and 40 in rounds 1-2-3 then increase to 5000 and 80 in rounds 4-8.
    HR is long term investment.
    Finance to get enough investment, and avoid emergency loans. Get good funds from stock issue, long term loans and even short term borrowings if needed in round 1-2-3
    TQM for high quality and cost reduction.

    Note in advance:
    - This is long term strategy game with 8 rounds (Practice may have 4 rounds)
    - Round 1-2-3 focus on investment, R&D, new products development, promo and sales, increase production capacity, automation.
    Therefore will have good sales and some profit.
    - From Rounds 4-8, will lead the game with top sales and profit.

    Quick question, why do we not want to issue stock??

    Your team has high sales and profit now. Enough cash for investment
    So do not need issuing stocks.Round 7-8 can buy back stocks and pay dividends to get higher stock price and EPS

    Can you explain the reason for the numbers in buy/ sell capacity

    Most effective production is 150% capacitySell surplus capacity to invest in other productsBecause products are sold independently

    What strategy for CompXM

    We use Broad differentiation strategyFocus on 4 segmentsHigh quality good priceWill have high sales and top profit.


    Should I quite Buddy (Size) product

    My suggestion:- This is long term strategy game.- Zero sum game. It means if you do not sell, competitors will- If you leave or retire a product, competitors will sell more, and push your market share down, and also push your stock price down
    * So, keep it, all products will bring good sales and profit all rounds 4-8.

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